Feb 26, 2010

hole in the wall mega street cred eating places

often, what i really want is a little place that isn't all hyped-up and which gives me the good stuff. it's always a struggle: tell everyone about it? or keep it to myself? if the latter, sometimes it goes out of business (taking irreplaceable deliciousness with it--see bay leaf cafe's toor dal soup, now gone forever from my (and your) life). fortunately, most of the institutions on this here list of hole in the wall eating spots seem relatively secure. also, i blame christine for this, even if she does have a nice ligature on her homepage.

Posted via web from flavourcountry

Feb 24, 2010


it's the transformers! these blocks, ladies and gentlemen, are real. stop motion is such a wondrous thing. the video is great, but the making of video is even better.

Feb 21, 2010

last days at mugaritz

mugaritz is one of the vanguard restaurants (the owner worked at el bulli before setting up on his own). their kitchen burned down about a few days ago, and this video by this season's stagiaires captures some of the last days at the restaurant.

Posted via web from flavourcountry

Feb 19, 2010

Feb 15, 2010

presidents' day table

apparently, the flowers will be on display only until they die completely.

Feb 12, 2010

a long week ends

the fifteenth floor of william james hall, at sherry hour.

a brief history of pretty much everything

not quite everything, but with brilliant little comic twists. thx ben

Posted via web from flavourcountry


rob carter's paper cutout visual history of charlotte NC. monty python-esque and worth seeing.

Posted via web from flavourcountry

Feb 8, 2010

tampopo, tonight!

TONIGHT: Mon, Feb 8, 6pm. TAMPOPO, in the Adams Pool Theater in Harvard Square (map). Free and open to the public.
Introduced by Tom Levenson (MIT). The ultimate movie on food and sex. A struggling single mother, with the help of a cowboy truck driver, aims heroically high to make the best ramen noodles. Told in parallel, the story of an epicurean white-suited gangster and his girlfriend whose pursuit of pleasures involve doing interesting things with live shrimp in bed. Woven around this core are episodes turning social hierarchies and connoisseurship on their heads, culminating in triumphal noodles and a death speech about yam sausages. For more information, see IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.

IMPORTANT: If you do not have a Harvard undergraduate (College) ID card, you must arrive at the Pool Theater by 6.15pm to be admitted.

More details at www.food24fps.com

Feb 1, 2010

skillet pizza

the skillet pizza article (AFC story; detailed instructions; primordial origins) ran on the atlantic's food channel earlier this week and got picked up by lifehacker and adam kuban at slice.seriouseats.com. the latter is particularly cool, since i've always sort of wanted adam kuban's job.

if you decide to try this at home, use the original post since some of the instructions and formatting got taken out by the atlantic's editors and i think they're sort of useful. here again is the incredibly tasty result of experiment 7 (fresh tomato sauce, pesto, onions, basil, sourdough crust).

the breakfast report

nothing better than waking up in sheets line-dried in the cold. (and it's been cold.)