Feb 16, 2015

frames per second

papagaio by gusmão + paiva is worth seeing. (at the very nice camden arts centre until march 29. and while you're there, don't forget to look at ruth ewan's french republican calendar.)

Feb 15, 2015


Feb 13, 2015

a sense of the real

When I was making A Sudden Gust of Wind I knew I wanted to show how the air would carry the papers. Hokusai had already solved some of those problems ... He composed something that had a feel of the accidental. It was not accidental, but he knew how to make it look that way ... There is no guide, it's just a feeling, a sense of the real, how things really are or would be.
previously: katsushika hokusai reaches a marvellous stage.

Feb 11, 2015

international klein blue

5-11 mortimer street. (and previously.)

Feb 7, 2015

responsible for lemons

- that lemon—it's nice.
- it's good, isn't it?
- how often do you replace it?
- every week, in fact. it's an important detail.
- very nice.
- betty up there is responsible for the lemon. she terrorises the sainsburys staff.
- oh?
- it's difficult to find a lemon the same shape as the last one. but she always does.
kettle's yard
castle road, cambridge CB3 0AQ