Jul 30, 2010


brilliant stuff from troika—2-axis rotational sculpture with a minor modification of the original V&A logo by alan fletcher.

Posted via email from flavourcountry

Jul 29, 2010

turf dancing in the rain

posted everywhere on the interwebs, but still worth watching anyway.

Posted via email from flavourcountry

Jul 21, 2010


single shot villain gibraltar

another great drink from hi rise, where the espressos are perfect and the sandwiches well-constructed.

Jul 14, 2010


isao hashimoto's narrative map of nuclear explosions worldwide, 1945-1998. watch the whole thing.

Posted via email from flavourcountry

Jul 10, 2010

Jul 5, 2010

when i think back

i've been spending quite a lot of time looking for shade.

mucho caliente

89F here in the shade. this is new work from los carpinteros.

linking to data

gdocs spreadsheets let you link directly to individual sheets. would be even better if every cell, row, and column were also directly addressable.

Jul 1, 2010


2008 was the international year of the potato.

in praise of the potato

Potato, sojourner north, first sprung
from the flanks of volcanoes, plainspoken kin

to bright chili and deadly nightshade,
sleek eggplant and hairy tobacco,

we could live on you alone if we had to,
and scorched-earth marauders never bothered you much.

I love you because your body's a stem,
your eyes sprout, and you're not in the Bible,

and if we did not eat your strength,
you'd drive it up, into a flower.

david williams